A typical situation

The change impact of digitisation on existing business models is dynamically growing. The sales channels are changing, as is the purchase process on the customer side. Customer loyalty is declining and at the same time demands on availability, access options, and individualisation of products and services are increasing. There has been a sharp increase in competition due to the rapid growth of online sales channels and existing value generation models are reaching their limits.

You will ask critical questions

  • How will the megatrend of digitisation affect our company?
  • How will we earn our money in the future?
  • How can we adopt our business model to the requirements of the digital world?

Our services

We work on the 4 building blocks of your business model together with your internal strategy team.

Who are our customers and how are they addressed (target groups and acquisition process)?

What is our offer to the customer (performance promise)?

How do service creation and service delivery proceed (value creation process)?

Why are we performing, or how do we earn money (gratification system)?


In the digital transformation, we are pursuing an evolutionary approach. However, a disruptive scenario can also arise in the course of the process.




In the business model assessment, we ensure that there is transparency regarding the relevant digitisation trends and the change impact on the existing business model.

On the basis of the obtained opportunities and risks, in the business model evolution phase we develop strategic options according to the 4 building blocks of a business model. In a next step these options will be evaluated based on the dimensions of attractiveness and feasibility.

The evolutionary path to the preferred option is subject of the transformation road map. This involves the relevant digitisation topics and specific projects. We stay on the ball during transformation management by providing stimulus and being the project manager or change manager.

Your benefit

You pave the way for a competitive and profitable future for your company.

  • You gain clarity regarding the company’s future business model.
  • You know which topics you need to work on.
  • You know how your company will earn its money in the future.

Are you interested in having an initial discussion? We look forward to hearing from you.
